Together To Help The World Better!

Please help us change lives around the world.

Our Value

We are doing quality work for the people who require our support and also our help in making the process better by providing care, compassion, support, and wisdom for the overall people of the organization. 

Our Mission

We are currently focused on the overall management and development of the things that are most important for the process of the NGO’s growth.

Our Vision

Growth for society as well as for the organization is the prime goal of everyone in this process and everyone has the right to join everyone. 

Our Objectives

The management of the things and also the processes are really putting in work and also it will make the whole things within its way for the upliftment of the society.

Wolcome To

Dr. Bheem Rao Ambedkar Janmotsav Sewa Samiti

We are providing support for the people who are associated with us and initiating the facilities required for the provision of the process of our organization. We also want to ensure the well-being of the people who are linked with us and the kids who are associated with this program for such a long time. Making sure the people who are connected with us get enough suitable things which are according to our fate of the things for the whole campaign.  






Happy Children


Products & Gifts

What We D0?

Recent Activities

Raised $770.0
Goal $770.0

Educational Camp

Education is a fundamental human right that should be accessible to all, regardless of gender, social status, or economic background. 

Raised $770.0
Goal $770.0

Women Training Camp

In today’s era, self-dependency has become crucial for women to achieve financial independence and lead a fulfilling life.

Raised $770.0
Goal $770.0

Aids Awareness Camp

Our organization  Hussain Welfare Society is dedicated to raising awareness about HIV/AIDS and promoting prevention strategies.

Join Your Hand with Us for a Better
Life and Future

We will be heartfelt with gratitude for the development in the process so that the overall ideas will be executed in nature and also the process will be foundational by practice.  

Client Testimonials

What People Say ?

From The Message Desk

Chairman Message

As your Chairman, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for entrusting me with this esteemed responsibility. Together, let us strive for unity, progress, and prosperity. Let’s embrace diversity, foster inclusivity, and uphold the values that define our nation. We can uplift the process and try to upgrade the whole face of challenges, let resilience guide our path, and let empathy shape our actions. With unwavering determination, let’s work towards a brighter future for generations to come. United in purpose, we shall overcome any obstacle and build a nation as a beacon of hope and opportunity for all. We can make a wholesome development and pay gratitude to the works and programs we are conducting.

Satyapat Singh 

Chairman, Dr. Bheem Rao Ambedkar Janmotsav Sewa Samiti

Our Contribution

Social Impact